144. A Night Run

时间:1970-01-01 08:00点击:
It was a chilly spring night. He was staying at a hotel. He was a runner. He had been running for 20 years. It was good for his health. He was 38 years old. He had two young sons. They often went running with him. But they were at home. He put on his running shoes and shorts. He turned on his iPod. He always listened to The Beatles. He left the hotel. He walked to the beach. It was dark. He couldn't see many stars. There was no moon. He ran down the beach. He saw no one else. He had the beach all to himself. He was enjoying his run. He was enjoying his music. A one-engine plane made an emergency landing. It landed on the beach. He didn't hear the plane behind him. He never knew what hit him. He died instantly. The pilot was unhurt.